Imperial Charity Week 2019

Charity campaign which raised £40k over 3 weeks

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Imperial Charity Week 2019

In 2019, I was Head of Imperial College Charity Week. Charity Week is an international campaign which takes place every October, raising money for orphans and other children in need across the world. Over a three week period, volunteers from Imperial ran 15 events to help raise £40,000 (from a budget of just £800!), including:

  • An auction dinner (£15k)
  • A sponsored climb of Snowdon by 70 students (£7k)
  • Collections on campus, Exhibition Road and some tube stations (£5k)
  • A food festival on campus (£2k)

None of this would have been possible without the efforts of the Charity Week committee, which had around 70 members (including my co-Head) working tirelessly for up to 6 months preceding Charity Week.

Check out the trailer here and the website here!